CDK Elead CRM Vehicle Sales API Access

Connect Your Vehicle Sales Data and Retail Activities
Into CDK Elead CRM Through Fortellis


Five Vehicle Sales APIs built exclusively on the Fortellis Automotive Commerce ExchangeTM allow industry software providers to connect customer data, sales activities and opportunities data with dealership applications in CDK Elead CRM.

Integrating with Elead CRM has never been easier!

Developers can sync all their retail data and configure innovative, flexible workflows between dealers and their partners to make the vehicle sales process even more streamlined and efficient.


Automotive Retail APIs

Just as bringing external data into Elead CRM can improve the 360 degree view of automotive retail customer lifecycle, pushing data from Elead CRM and back to other key dealership applications can improve user productivity and customer experiences.

Product Reference Data API

This Helper API searches, retrieves and provides reference data to support other Elead Vehicles Sales APIs as needed, and provides details on opportunity, employee and vehicle data. New ability to look up users by email.

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Elead Sales Activities API

This API gives you access to create and complete sales activities for opportunities and allows for new email message creation, access to historical data and retrieval of outcomes by activity. New ability to post inbound and outbound call activity.

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Elead Sales Customer API

This API allows you to manage prospect and customer data in Elead CRM, including customer contact details, Elead IDs and vehicle data.

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Elead Sales Opportunities API

This API searches for and retrieves details of sales opportunities in the CRM for marketing purposes, and provides details on Sales team management, source, vehicle and trade information. New ability to add email addresses and mark opportunities as inactive.

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CDK Elead CRM Lead Post API

To improve the sales process for both the dealer and the customer, we've has developed the CDK Elead CRM Lead Post API, a safe and secure method for submitting Sales leads to the Elead CRM.

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Built on Fortellis

The Fortellis Automotive Commerce Exchange™ platform is a technology engine that enables seamless connections between consumers, dealers, manufacturers, developers, lenders and data providers.

  • Superior data integrity
  • Developer friendly
  • Detailed API and implementation docs
  • Faster more efficient product releases


Q: What APIs are offered on Fortellis Automotive Commerce ExchangeTM?

A: Elead currently has four Vehicle Sales APIs on the Fortellis platform:

  • Product Reference Data
  • Elead Sales Customer
  • Elead Sales Activities
  • Elead Sales Opportunities

Q: How are the four Vehicle Sales APIs priced?

A: Elead has chosen a transaction-based model for its Fortellis APIs.

Q: Who is the intended audience for the Elead Vehicle Sales APIs?

A: Any dealer and vendor partner looking to provide solutions to improve sales workflows inside Elead CRM.

Q: Where can I find more information or download API documentation.

A: For more information about Elead APIs visit

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